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8. Notas dos Pacotes

[Dica] Últimas Notas da Versão na Web

These release notes may be updated. To view the latest release notes for Fedora, visit:

The following sections contain information regarding software packages that have undergone significant changes for Fedora 9. For easier access, they are generally organized using the same groups that are shown in the installation system.

8.1. Perl

Fedora 9 now includes Perl 5.10.0, the first "major" release update in perl5 in some time. The Perl interpreter itself is faster with a smaller memory footprint, and has several UTF-8 and threading improvements. The Perl installation is now relocatable, a blessing for systems administrators and operating system packagers. Perl 5.10.0 also adds a new smart match operator, a switch statement, named captures, state variables, and better error messages.

For more information, refer to:

8.2. Alterações no Yum

A funcionalidade do 'plugin' installonlyn foi incorporada no pacote de base do yum. As opções installonlypkgs e installonly_limit são usadas por omissão para limitar o sistema, de modo a manter apenas dois pacotes do 'kernel'. Poderá ajustar o conjunto de pacotes ou o número destes ou ainda por e simplesmente desactivar a opção por completo, de acordo com a sua vontade. Estão disponíveis mais detalhes na página de manual do yum.conf.

O comando yum agora repete-se quando detecta um bloqueio. Esta função é útil se um servidor estiver à espera de actualizações ou se estiver a correr o yum e uma das suas interfaces gráficas em simultâneo.

The yum command now understands a cost parameter in its configuration file, which is the relative cost of accessing a software repository. It is useful for weighing one software repository's packages as greater or less than any other. The cost parameter defaults to 1000, with lower costs given priority.

8.3. pam_mount

The pam_mount facility now uses a configuration file written in XML. The /etc/security/pam_mount.conf file will be converted to /etc/security/pam_mount.conf.xml during update with /usr/bin/, which removes all comments. Any per-user configuration files must be converted manually, with the conversion script if desired. A sample pam_mount.conf.xml file with detailed comments about the available options appears at /usr/share/doc/pam_mount-*/pam_mount.conf.xml.

8.4. TeXLive

TeXLive is a replacement for the old, unmaintained TeX package. It offers new style packages and fixes many security problems with the old distribution.

8.5. Pacotes Utilitários

O pacote i810switch foi removido. Esta funcionalidade está agora disponível com o comando xrandr do pacote xorg-x11-server-utils.

The evolution-exchange package replaces evolution-connector , and provides a capability under the old name.

The system-config-firewall and system-config-selinux packages replace system-config-security-level . The system-config-selinux package is part of the policycoreutils-gui package.

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