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3.2. Creating a Book

Use the create_book command to create a new book. The create_book command creates all the necessary files to create a book.
The following is a list of valid options for the create_book command. Append these options to the end of the create_book command. For example, create_book --help, create_book --name New_Book, and so on:
print a list of all create_book command options.
view the publican manual page. The manual page contains the same information returned by the create_book --help command.
--name Book_Name
replace Book_Name with the name of the book or article. This variable must not contain any spaces. For example, running the create_book --name Test_Book command creates a book named Test_Book, and all the necessary files to build the book. This updates the Makefile with the correct DOCNAME, and the Book_Name.ent file with the correct BOOKID.
--version version
replace version with the version number of the product that the book describes. For example, for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.1 you would use 5.1. The default version is 0.1. Using --version version updates the <issuenum></issuenum> tags in the Book_Info.xml file. For more information see Section 3.3.2, “Book_Info.xml”.
--edition edition
replace edition with the edition number of the book. This number indicates to users when a new edition of the book is released. The initial GA release of the book should be edition 1.0. The default value is 0. Using --edition edition updates the <edition></edition> tags in the Book_Info.xml file. For more information see Section 3.3.2, “Book_Info.xml”.
--product Product_Name
replace Product_Name with the product name. This variable must not contain any spaces. Set this to Fedora for core Fedora documentation, and the name of the product for other products, for example, Fedora_Directory_Server. The --product Product_Name option updates the Makefile and the Book_Name.ent file with the correct product name.
--type Article --name Article_Name
create an article instead of a book. Replace Article_Name with the article name. This variable must not contain any spaces.
--brand brand
replace brand with RedHat, fedora, JBoss, oVirt, or GIMP. This requires the appropriate publican package to be installed. For example, to build Red Hat branded books, you must install the publican-redhat package. See Section 3.1, “Installing publican” for instructions on installing the branded publican packages. If no brand is specified, the default brand is used.
Before running the create_book command, use the cd command to change into the directory where you want the book to be created. For example, to create a book named Test_Book in the /my/books/ directory, run the following commands:
cd /my/books/
create_book --name Test_Book
To see the results of this command, run the following:
The output should be similar to the following:
en-US  Makefile