RHL Project Website Architecture Technical requirements o All static content (including icons) must live under the docroot and be subject to no aliasing so that all static content is served directly by TUX. o The top level /index.php page is converted to /index.html via curl so that it becomes static content that TUX can serve it. o layout.css is the main CSS stylesheet, it should be included for all files along with one (possible more) of the following specialized stylesheet: o content.css for the basic content in the center column such as the index page o docbook.css for the HTML files generated from DocBook XML o PHP 4 only with Apache 2.0 Navigation system o The navigation system must be done via a PHP include file. The include file must contain a PHP function with the following logic: o The level numbering starts at 0 o There are only 2 levels: 0 and 1 o Array: [Name, URI, Reference] o The Reference element in the array is an array of the level 1 elements in the same format [Name,URI,Reference] o If there isn't a child level, the Reference element is NULL o This means that the following structure must be used: o All level 0 navigation pages must be in the format /level0-directory/index.php o All level 1 navigation pages must be in the format /level0-directory/level1.php or /level0-directory/level1-directory/index.php o If page is /dir/index.php or /dir/, it is level 0 o If page is /dir/dir1/index.php or /dir/foo.php, it is level 1 o Not all pages will have a link in the navigation system o Projects should contain specific information o Participate should only contain high-level information