su -c 'yum groupinstall <language>-support'In the command above, <language> is one of assamese, bengali, chinese, gujarati, hindi, japanese, kannada, korean, malayalam, marathi, oriya, punjabi, sinhala, tamil, telegu, thai, and so on.
environment variable. For example...
export PANGO_LANGUAGE=ja...tells Pango rendering to assume Japanese text when it has no other indications.
group called input-methods (Input Methods) is installed by default providing standard input methods for many languages. This allows turning on the default input method system and immediately having the standard input methods for most languages available.
Language | Hotkey |
general | Control + Space |
Japanese | Zenkaku_Hankaku; Alt+`; Alt+Zenkaku_Hankaku |
Korean | Hangul; Alt+Alt_R+Release |