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Fedora Documentation Project Quick Start Guide

Note: this document is still in progress. If you have any thoughts, please share them on the fedora-docs-list mailing list.

Since reading the Documentation Guide can be a bit overwhelming at first, read this page first to understand how to start participating and the process used to add a tutorial to the project.

The first step is to choose whether you want to be a writer or an editor. Refer to the project page for each role's definition. Editors must first be approved by the project leader and must have experience with DocBook XML and the proper use of tags since all editors must follow the same guidelines when reviewing tutorials.

If you are chosen as an editor, your name is added to the project page, and your job is to wait until writers are finished writing the tutorials and need editing.

If you choose to be a writer, the follow process must be used:

*Before* the writer hands a document over to the editor, he/she must verify the following:

  1. Spell check all files.
  2. Verify that all URLs are still valid.
  3. Verify that the technical content is correct -- which means follow your own documentation step by step to confirm.
  4. Verify that the names of the files include the language such as example-tutorial-en.xml.
  5. Verify that all sections have an id so all HTML files generated have static filenames.
  6. Verify that all ids following the naming convention in the Docs Guide
  7. Checkout the fedora-docs CVS module if you haven't already, and verify that if you drop in your directory that it builds within the CVS environment, including using a Makefile based on the existing ones.
  8. Verify the HTML Output:

Then, the editor is responsible for:

  1. Making sure the writer followed the docs conventions including using standard id names, verifying that the parent file follows the example tutorial so that it builds in CVS, and proper use of XML tags.
  2. Checking the grammar and word usage.
  3. Verifying that it is written for the intended target audience.
  4. Looking for any possible missing steps (While reading, if it feels like a step was omitted, ask the writer to make sure. Many times writers who are familiar with a procedure will leave out a step that is obvious to them but not to the reader.
  5. Verifying that it builds in the CVS structure
  6. Determine if the topic needs a second technical review. If it does, work with the writer to email the mailing lists to find someone to follow the document step by step to make sure it works on their system as well.

Summary of Tutorial Tracking

Bug fedora-docs-ideas: Docs ideas without owners - a general bucket for ideas for new documents or conversions that come *first* through the list

Bug fedora-docs-writing: Docs in progress - for tracking documents actively being written/developed/edited

Bug fedora-docs-ready Docs ready for going to - when it is done with fedora-docs-writing, it comes here while it undergoes final editing to go to the website.

This means the process of idea -> publication is:

  1. File a bug report for your document, or carry the on the one with the idea in it.
  2. Move the bug through the tracker in this order
    idea 	             -> 	develop 	        <-> 	publish
    fedora-docs-ideas		fedora-docs-writing		fedora-docs-ready

Note: there is a double-arrow between develop <-> publish because a document should stay alive after it is published. Once you have published a version and have moved to writing for the next version of Fedora Core, your document's bug moves back to fedora-docs-writing.

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