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The table or reference card of Emacs and PSGML commands can be confusing for beginners. This section provides some examples of how to use them.
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This section assumes that you have already parsed the DTD file. |
To avoid having to type a tag repeatedly, use the key combination Ctrl-c, followed by <. At the bottom of the Emacs window, the following prompt appears:
Tag: <
To view a list of available tags, use either the Tab or ?. If you know the first few letters of a tag, enter them, followed by Tab. If the letters uniquely identify a tag, that tag appears. If more than one completion exists, a complete list of possible tags appears.
If you hit Ctrl+c, <, k, a prompt appears similar to the example below:
Click mouse-2 on a completion to select it. In this buffer, type RET to select the completion near point. Possible completions are: <keycap> <keycode> <keycombo> <keysym>
After you open a tag, you must close it. The easiest way to close an open tag is to use the key sequence Ctrl+c, /. This sequence closes the most recently opened tag.
Sometimes in Emacs, the window becomes split, with tags completions or other text in an alternate window. To return to a single window, use the key sequence Ctrl+x, 1.
To save your work, use the key sequence Ctrl+x, Ctrl+s.
If the tag completion process becomes unwieldy or confusing, use the keysequence Ctrl+g to exit back to the text. Emacs clears any prompts and returns to the buffer text.
To open a new file, use the key sequence Ctrl+x, Ctrl+f. A prompt appears at the bottom of the Emacs window. Enter the file name, using Tab completion if desired, of the file you wish to open.
To close Emacs use the key sequence Ctrl+x, Ctrl+c. If you have not saved your work, Emacs prompts you to save any changed files.