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One of the purposes of the print $PROJECT_NAME; ?> is to make a cutting-edge version of Linux® widely available in a consistent format that the public can come to trust. In order to achieve this purpose it is important that the technology can quickly be identified and that the recipient knows the technology they are receiving is the official and unmodified version. Red Hat has chosen the print $TRADEMARK_NAME; ?> mark to identify this effort and is granting broad usage rights in that trademark in order to assure widespread availability.
Companies, governments, schools or individuals who wish to produce CD-ROM and other products that contain the software which the print $PROJECT_NAME; ?> distributes under the print $TRADEMARK_NAME; ?> may do so as long as they follow these guidelines. Except as expressly granted herein or under rights of fair use, no party has a right to use the print $TRADEMARK_NAME; ?> mark in association with the software provided by the print $PROJECT_NAME; ?>. Doing so would cause confusion among the customers who obtain those products, because they may believe they are obtaining a product emanating from or sponsored by the print $BASE_NAME; ?> Project but, in reality, it is a product of another company altogether.
To address this issue, we have developed the following guidelines for the use of the print $TRADEMARK_NAME; ?> trademark and such other Red Hat marks as are included in print $TRADEMARK_NAME; ?>. These guidelines are designed to serve both consumers of Linux-based products, to ensure that they know the source of the products they purchase, and publishers of Linux-based products, so that they can avoid improperly generating confusion in the marketplace.
print $TRADEMARK_NAME; ?> is a trademark of Red Hat, Inc. and may only be used with Red Hat Inc.'s express permission. Except as provided herein, you may not use " print $BASE_NAME; ?>" or any confusingly similar mark as a trademark for your product, or use " print $BASE_NAME; ?>" in any other manner that might cause confusion in the marketplace, including in advertising, on auction sites, or on software or hardware. Any party wishing to use the print $TRADEMARK_NAME; ?> mark may do so as long as they meet two conditions:
This same permission applies to such other Red Hat trademarks as are included in the authorized print $TRADEMARK_NAME; ?> distribution, such as RPM™. Except as expressly stated herein, no other rights are granted to use any other Red Hat trademarks, specifically including the RED HAT® and "Shadowman" logo® marks. Absolutely no exceptions.
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