** Note that you must not put embargoed issues into this directory ** Process: A. Each time Mitre sends out a CVE update 1. Look though the list for anything that might affect a FC package 2. Add the CVE names to the FC file. Put a ** to come back to it later. So for example CVE-1900-1245 ** php, fixed 4.5.9 3. Mark it in status.txt too. And rhel5.txt and status-stacksv1.txt if appropriate. Again, just a note that you've seen it is enough, it can get properly triaged later. B. Is FC affected by the CVE name 1. Did we ship an upstream version that wasn't affected? 2. Did we ship a backported patch? 3. Is it not a real vulnerability? C. Each time a FC update comes out on fedora-package-announce list 1. Did the package move to a new upstream version? if so are there any flaws listed for that package as "backported"? if so did the new upstream version mean that the backported fix is no longer required? Update the file if so Example CVE-1900-1245 backport (php, fixed 4.5.9) [since FEDORA-1900-1] but php got upgraded now to version 4.6.0, so the line becomes CVE-1900-1245 version (php, fixed 4.5.9) [since FEDORA-1900-9] was backport since FEDORA-1900-1] 2. Did any new issues get fixed by upstream version or backported? Update the file if so CVE-1900-1245 version (php, fixed 4.5.9) [since FEDORA-1900-1] CVE-1900-1245 backport (php, fixed 4.5.9) [since FEDORA-1900-2] x.patch 3. Make sure we mark in the file since when it was fixed (name the FEDORA update) so we can go back to any point of time D. Any confusion or things that need more investigation (like when dealing with things that say "backport" where you need to make sure if the new packages contain the backport or not) just mark as ** for someone to look at later.